The game ends when the tower topples totally or if any block other than the block in play falls from the tower. The player’s turn is over after ten seconds or when the next player touches the tower, whichever comes first. Players are allowed to tap blocks to determine the best one to remove, but any blocks that are moved but not played need to be replaced. Players can use either hand but make sure that only one hand can touch the tower at a time. The first player then carefully removes one block from any level of the tower and places it on the top level. Play starts with a tower of blocks stacked in levels of three, aligned along their long sides and placed at right angles to the previous level. The classic beloved Jenga game is built around a set of 54 wooden blocks. Today, Jenga is enjoyed by players of all ages around the world in many different ways including themed sets, tournaments, team-building events, online games, console games, mobile apps and much more. Grebler may also hold the record for the tallest tower ever documented: he erected a tower of 40⅔ levels in 1985 with one of Leslie Scott’s original sets. Rights to the game then passed through Pokonobe Associates, Irwin Toy, Schaper and finally to Hasbro, where it was sold under the Milton Bradley flag.

Robert Grebler acquired worldwide rights to Jenga games in 1985. Scott trademarked the game as Jenga, derived from the Swahili kujenga (to build), and had sets manufactured by the Camphill Village Trust. The “game with bricks” was a perennial favorite. Scott was employed as an internal game designer at Intel and part of her job was to help employees learn new skills. Leslie Scott had played the tower game with her family growing up in Ghana the family even had blocks custom-cut at a sawmill. People have been playing with bricks and blocks for millennia, but Jenga as we know it was introduced in Harrod’s Department Store in London in 1982 and at the London Toy Fair in 1983. How Many Giant Jenga Pieces Are There In A Game? Yard Games US Tumbling Timbers Giant Stacking Game Pieces Splinter Woodworking Tumble Tower Giant Games Set